Thursday, February 27, 2014

Our Spa Treatment is Your STAR Treatment!

Our spa is such a huge deal that it now how its own website!  Check it out here:

There is so much to offer that we decided to write up a short blurb here on our blog to explain some of our favorite spa services that have been designed with you in mind.

First off, the Spa at Hoberg’s will be resting on a natural hot spring.  This means that the majority of the resources used will be completely local and even create and even more unique experience.

Second, let’s mention the excellent pricing.  For less than $50 you can experience ANY of our massage treatments for at least half an hour.  (Your choice of Swedish shiatsu, deep tissue, or reflexology.)  We even encourage you to make it a date and bring along that special someone so the two of you can relax together.

Lastly, with ten facial treatments to choose from, an abundance of mani/pedi services, revitalizing treatments such as hot stone, exfoliation, masques, aromatherapy, and the new and exciting “Chocolate Experience”…you can be sure that you’ll have something to enjoy if you make a reservation at our spa in the future. (A helpful hint…the Spa offers its “Hoberg’s Day to Remember” package which includes their four most popular services for three and a half hours.)

So whether you’re looking to get your nails touched up or would like to experience total rejuvenation, be sure to view our spa’s website and learn more about how you can plan a day that is perfect for you.

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